Info on Level 2:
Controls at Alert Level 2
Alert Level 2 is not life as normal, some restrictions and other measures remain in place to reduce the risk of transmission.
We need to maintain physical distancing.
Only small, controlled gatherings will be permitted.
Physical distancing, hygiene standards and contact registers (where required) will make businesses safe.
Public venues
Many public venues will be open again at Alert Level 2. This includes:
- museums and libraries
- cinemas
- markets
- restaurants, cafes and bars (only for dining at first).
All public venues must keep records to enable contact tracing and manage their numbers to ensure that:
- every individual or group of 10 is kept 1 metre apart
- no group has more than 10 people.
Personal movement
At Alert Level 2, you can leave home to do more things, but you should follow public health measures and consider others around you.
Physical distancing
Keep your distance when out and about:
- 2 metres in public and in retail stores, like supermarkets and clothes shops.
- 1 metre in most other environments like workplaces, cafes, restaurants, and gyms.
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