The first in the series is FIR·MA·MENT, a video by TRISTAN J BROOKS, filmed in Israel, Iran and Turkey, with music edited from an improvisation between Esoterror, I.RYOKO & Matt Faisandier (of THE CONVOY) in Wellington, NZ. Watch here & read on for Brooks’ ideas behind the video…
"On arrival, I found that the Middle East’s current soul is almost an antithesis to the mystic nature of its recorded past. It is a medley of lifestyles, passion and emotional connections that is blanketed by monoist theocratic/political governments. Looking over the footage on my return, the political gravity/bleakness was almost too overt. I wanted to draw out, and play with, the grandiose of faith, ideologies and mysticism that still underhandedly rests in the Middle East’s belly. So second, I drew on the montage and discontinuous editing techniques from early Russian film theorists Sergei Eisenstein and Lev Kuleshov. Eisenstein and Kuleshov recognised that the meaning of an image/video is derived from the images/videos surrounding it. When moving images are placed in a string of uncontextual narratives, especially a moving image with its Hegelian antithesis, complex and twisted meanings (or Hegelian Syntheses) can emerge. I hoped that stringing together my footage in Eisenstein and Kuleshov’s shadow would provide space for both its mysticism to seep through, and to confuse regular narratives conveyed about the Mid-East." - Tristan J Brooks
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