Gonna be posting mostly photos here, beginning with the obligatory plane shots departing NZ:

Marlborough Sounds, NZ

From here it’s all Melbourne. Every night before the show we’d have to hang in the alleyway outside the venue waiting for the other show to finish. One night I struck up a conversation outside with the venue manager who thought I was a homeless guy and asked if I was sleeping rough! Fair call.

This is Stella ‘the grand-daughter’ and Joe ‘the pizza guy’ listening to Arj Barker‘s set from the cheap seats outside the Lithuanian Club:

Jason ‘the lighting designer’ and Joe on their 21st Century anti-boredom inputs

Lady Reid at the NGV

We were curious to see these guys out late at night, we got talking & it turned out their apartment building was on fire…

The Arts House

Stella at the local sugar & salt dispensary

River reflections

A next-level seed pod (I assume)

These ones are from the amazing community-run Abbotsford Convent – ‘Australia’s largest multi-arts precinct’, a ‘not-for-profit organisation’ and ‘home to over 100 studios, two galleries, cafes, a radio station, a school, and an abundance of green open space.’ Makes me wish they’d do something similar at Wellington’s old fever hospital!