Seth Frightening, aka Sean Kelly, played a few live tracks from his new album, But We Love Our Brothers and Sisters, and spoke with Radio New Zealand Music 101‘s Zac Arnold last weekend.
Check out the great live recordings and an interview covering the usual topics: blood, death, chaos, the saviouristic properties of the acoustic guitar and the coolness of kindness, etc: www.radionz.co.nz/national/programmes/nat-music/audio/20173477/seth-frightening-in-session
Click here to stream & download the album which has received some glowing reviews such as this one on Vanguard Red Magazine: “…positively overflowing with beautifully surreal and exploratory New Weird New Zealand folk rock compositions. With his guitar playing, vocal delivery and overall arrangements, Seth has that “it” quality that only matters because we hear it so rarely.”
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