We are very excited to be getting some more Seth Frightening out and about. Hard to believe it’s almost two years since the last! Hopefully these two make up for the time, and if not, we have another album very, very close to completion!
You can also check out a new interview with Sean here thanks to UnderTheRadar.co.nz.
Seth Frightening – B.Hoo /
A recent excavation revealed these three fine outpourings of spirit; Uniquely coloured and powerful forms laid down on laptops in bedrooms and hospital hallways with contagious sincerity and words tinged with protest and the fear of reality that comes alongside modern injustice and social awareness. A rare and wonderful listen!
Seth Frightening – B.Hoo / High School
Forward to the past! Here goes a wee selection of songs written and recorded in Seth Frightening’s high school days; Sincere tracks laid down in the lofi bedroom style by a wise young man, excavated from broken hard drives and still bearing the character of minidisc glitches and planes taking off in the background.
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