
Artwork by Robert Earp.
Songs composed and performed by Anita Clark and Indira Force.
Mixing and mastering by Matthew Gunn.

“The Christchurch duo create ambient soundscapes that are at once beautiful and harsh. If words like ‘textural’, ‘layered’ and ‘cosmic’ give you warm feelings, this five-track project should be emanating from your speakers ASAP. And don’t fall into the trap of treating ambient music as background music – The Dying Light has melodies, moments… heck, even hooks. Opener ‘The Power of You’ sets the mood at ‘awe’, but things quickly take a turn on ‘Perceiving the Pleroma’ with some dark blasts of noise that would get a respectful nod from Sunn O))). The title track indulges in a drum beat and some vocals, even – it’s pop on a timescale stretched out almost to infinity. Fans of video game soundtracks should give this a go, as it will conjure familiar feelings of pure wonder.” – Mitchell Houlbrooke (Album of the Week, thespinoff.co.nz)

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The Maryland GoatmanStill Talking TonguesBurySuspensionsSyntax ErrorThe Act of KillingUsed to Be