Pyramid Club and CIRCUIT present an evening of experimental moving image and sound by Kerian Varaine (Dunedin) and ENT.
Kerian Varaine is an artist/composer/performer/improvisor working out of Otepoti, Dunedin. He is a member of Rubbish Film Unit , an audio/visual duo with Chris Schmelz utilising analogue projectors and a variety of sound sources. He is a member of The Ladder is Part of the Pit, an improvised string/electronics quartet featuring Joanna Osbourne, William H. Meung and Motoko Kikkawa, as well as the all acoustic anarcho-folk ensemble Whiskey and the Wench.
At Pyramid Club Kerian Beep will present three new works:
Beep.js — A lockdown bubble based installation piece involving multiple audio and web capable devices. This has ported to the web from an older work (2020)
Lorem Ipsum — A work for electronics and guitar exploring placeholders and their eventual recreation into their final product as a form of creative process. (2020)
hG&Pd — Hurdygurdy and pure data. The hurdy gurdy grinds its way into the 21st century premiered at the BIFEM 2019 programme (Bendigo International Festival of Exploratory Music).
E N T is the solo project of Wellington artist Nathan Taare, a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, scent artist and film maker who prefers to work in solitary confinement in the suburbs. Having travelled extensively. Along with nature and the suburbs, themes of healing and identity can be found in his songs, permeating deep into his hypnotic, repetitive visions.
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