Illustration by Johnnie Cluney

This is from a Live to Air that the Glass Vaults dudes did in New York. Includes a very nice recording of a very nice new track, Victorias!!/concert/glass-vaults/20055986-37383214

“Richard Larsen and Rowan Pierce of the Wellington, New Zealand, group Glass Vaults give unnervings blankets and they make them feel as cozy as they ever could hope to. They wrap them up, as if they were sick little children, coughing their brains out and running fevers in the triple digits, just burning up at night, suffering through their own doings and those that they didn’t bargain for. It feels like a decomposing, like some damp, lumpy posture – as if the people in the very deep, thick pools of these songs were waiting around for a phoenix, or for their arms to spontaneously grow wings out of their forearms and biceps. They’re ready to be lifted off of the ground, but they’re pretty sure that they’re going to be stuck down here with the dumpsters and the exhaust fumes…”