Here’s a cool ambient/drone EP I mastered recently for Nathan Taare, aka one of the sweetest dudes around!
“CENTRAL COMPLEX was recorded and mixed throughout Central America over 5 months during 2012 – Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica. The tracks were brought back to Upper Hutt and paired with additional tracks that were recorded in a storage unit. The final sessions were finished off inside a Toyota Corolla (TK3560).”
Recorded and Mixed by Nathan Taare. Mastered by Thomas Lambert. Art work by Nathan Taare.
Nathan is also a film-maker and prosthetics-enthusiast, responsible for gorey clips such as “Corey Grinder I: In the Kitchen” and “Corey Grinder II: Bike Ride” ((CAUTION: gushing blood not for the faint hearted!!))
Here’s a more family-friendly video from E N T’s previous album, Street Dreams:
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