Chicks Hotel

Port Chalmers

Op Shop

What an excellent place and time! We started an affair with Port Chalmers and Chicks Hotel and Hector who runs it. More pics of the show and miscellaneous explorations below… Please note I was too captivated by the Radio Cegeste performance to remember to take a photo of her! AND for some reason I have no pics from Christchurch, but I will track some down! Thanks to everybody we met and who came along to shows and made the trip a general sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet as time all round! We will be coming back as often as we can.

GV at Chicks
Glass Vaults at Chicks
Miniatures >
SF at Chicks
Seth Frightening at Chicks
Chicks Hotel
Sean's new binoculars
Sean tests his new binoculars
Old people
Go to the Museum!!
Man, naked, with no arms, upside down, with Sean
Time to leave from Sally and Campbell’s glorious living quarters, “Threave”