Wellington-based sound artists, Olivia Webb and Flo Wilson, have been collaborating over the past two months as part of the Toi Pōneke Arts Centre & New Zealand School of Music’s Sound Art residency program.

Their joint exhibition, Attunement, “features new sound and performance works that explore the voice and identity.”
In addition to this, the artists will be holding two free public workshops “focussing on modes of attunement and embodied listening” (2pm, 22nd & 29th January).
“These participatory sessions will explore ideas of attunement, and include a series of deep listening exercises. Participants will explore ways that sound and their own voice can be used as a tool to understand other people, places, and environments…”
“We think listening is a crucial response to the habits within Western culture that privilege speech and being heard over listening to and receiving others.“
The workshops are around 2-hours long and will include an afternoon tea. All welcome!
Check it out in the Toi Pōneke public gallery – 61/69 Abel Smith Street, Wellington.
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