Before I post the pics from the South Island leg of the All Seeing Hand/ Seth Frightening tour, I’ve gotta catch up on a few posts! These red photos are from a show at Pyramid Club in Wellington on May 25th:

Seth Frightening @ Pyramid Club
Here’s a new track from the forthcoming Seth Frightening album which is very close to completion:

Charlotte Forrester > watch a live video from this show here <

Dean Roberts
Dick Whyte
FANZ are a Wellington noise group featuring Antony Milton, Samin Son, Noel Meek and Fergus Nelson Moores (Mischancerie). They recently released a CDR on the local noise/psychedelic/underground label, Pseudo Arcana (check out a promo vid here), and played a release show at Newtown’s excellent ‘Death Ray Records’ on May 31st:

Death Ray Records
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