A play directed by Daniel Emms, with original music by i.ryoko
Friday 7 – Tuesday 11 February, 7.30pm (4pm matinee only on Sunday the 9th)
@ Te Whaea Theatre
“When something leaves our lives, how do we cope? Do we wallow in our bedrooms with ice cream and movies, party like nothing has changed, or just start running?
How do we find peace?
Contained within the monolithic architecture of Te Whaea Theatre, The Hades Complex seeks to capture the volatile forces at work within the process of losing something close to us.
Inspired by classical and ancient mythology, the piece uses visionary, sensory and visceral experiences to explore human behaviour around grief and loss. The piece invites you into a series of worlds ranging from the grotesque to the uniquely beautiful.
Populated by epic characters, surreal costumes, a transformative lighting design and joined by the musical force that is i.ryoko; The Hades Complex promises to be an un-missable theatrical event.”
(Contains strobe lighting, partial nudity & some coarse language)

Tickets: $20, $15 (Conc.), $15 (Groups 6+) & $10 (Toi & NZSD student)
To book click HERE
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