I know Sonorous Circle was originally just about music and artistic endeavours, but you’ll notice more current events sneeking in as we try to encourage awareness of critical historical events occurring in the world around us…
Images from Al Jazeera
‘Security forces have moved in on two Cairo protest camps set up by supporters of Egypt’s ousted president Mohamed Morsi, launching a crackdown that quickly turned into a bloodbath‘ – Al Jazeera
The death toll is currently at 525.
The interim prime minister, Hazem Beblawi, said the crackdown was essential to create stability, and praised security forces for what he characterised as maximum restraint – while the vice-president, Mohamed ElBaradei, appointed last month in an attempt to give the new military regime a respectable face, resigned in protest at the events.’ – The Guardian
‘The White House said “the world is watching”… But there was still no sign that the US was prepared to characterise Morsi’s removal by the army as a coup – which would trigger an automatic congressional ban on $1.3bn in annual aid to the powerful Egyptian military.’ – The Guardian
Unsure what it’s all about? Here it is in brief: Egypt timeline: from revolution to the current crisis
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