Tis that time again! An arbitrary point on the spiralling vortex of time where the cycle is seen to come back around. The New Year is upon us! And with it, of course, comes the inclination to take stock.
With so much having gone on it is no easy feat to summarise the events of the year but to say the least, as predicted twelve months ago, 2010 was indeed a year of gathering momentum for Sonorous Circle. We made many new friends, had countless good times and feel privileged to have been involved with the release of some of our favourite albums of the year.
If the last was anything to go by, the coming calendar is set to be packed with even more releases, shows and general goodness. Fun to be had! Here’s a free compilation to get us rolling. Happy new year to ye all, we hope you enjoy.
SONOROUS CIRCLE COMPILATION NUMBER ONE > http://sonorouscircle.bandcamp.com/
Seth Frightening – Can We Eat It (Truth) So We Know What To Say.mp3
A Dead Forest Index – Distance.mp3
Paperghost – In the Future We’ll Go to War So We Can Base New Computer Games on New Wars.mp3
The Convoy – Invincible Summer Mvt4.mp3
Glass Vaults – Set Sail.mp3
Minnelli – The Deployee.mp3
i.ryoko – Disturbing the Quiet.mp3
Arkitype – Ultimate.mp3
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